Friday, February 6, 2015

Privacy in 21st century ?

Society doesn't have a responsibility to preserve there privacy thats the government decision if they want to allow people to have privacy or not. Personally I don't believe that society should have privacy because there are many things that people can do behind closed doors. The government has the right to watch people. Privacy never exist and it never will and theres nothing no one can do about it. No matter how much you complain and protest, you will always be monitored by someone. Everyone invades privacy especially in the 21st century. People use there mobile devices to record people without them knowing. This to me is entertaining and satisfying. Privacy? Ha, that word doesn't even exist in my world. Im always watching people and they never know. Society cant do anything about being monitored so they need to get used to the fact they cant have privacy. No matter where they go wether its in public, in there home, wherever. There always watching you. The day society haves there privacy is the day the world would be brought to a ruin. Being watched is the safest and the best way to live in this time. And if you disagree, that mean you must be against the government.