Friday, January 16, 2015

No Privacy

Privacy, Privacy, Privacy people dont need privacy. When people have privacy, they can do devious things behind closed doors. I'm glad that the government today is watching everyone and there being more efficient by having thousands of people instead of one person like me. People dont deserve to have privacy due to what they can possibly do. Criminals of the government need to be watched all the time because who know's what they can possibly do. There should cameras everywhere. In people's homes, in peoples bathroom's, on the street, everywhere. No one should have privacy no one. No should be alone. Privacy shouldn't even be a word. The government needs to watch all. It could another attack on the country or a plot against the government. Control is power and with power you can control everyone. I believe that everyone should be stripped of there rights and should have no privacy or freedom. Control all and watch all like how im watching you. Big Brother is watching you. I dont know the meaning of privacy. It shouldn't even be thought of. I hope the government reads this because im serious about the no privacy. Monetar all the citizens to ensure privacy never exist. 

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